The definitive video featuring the exciting sport of geocaching. Whether you are an active player or have just heard about geocaching, you'll want to get your hands on this great video program. Get your questions answered. Share the sport with your friends. It's all right here in the official geocaching how-to video.

In The Video - Everything you’ll need to know to get started in geocaching and to maximize your potential for fun and adventure is covered. This is great stuff for the beginning and experienced geocacher. Check out the preview trailer here.

Introduction & History of geocaching - What is it and how did it get here? Conceived in the year 2000, the sport has grown and evolved while retaining its essential elements.

Finding your first geocache - Where to look, what to bring, which geocaches to try, how to have a successful outing.

Placing a good geocache - How to choose a location, container, camouflage, and how to post a cache page on

Think like a geocacher - Throughout the program are tips and tricks that make the hunt—and the hide—easier and more rewarding.

Geocaching with children - Geocaching is a fantastic sport for the whole family if you plan carefully.

Geocache variations - Take geocaching to the next level. Have a look at geocache variations and clever techniques.

Bonus Features - For people who download this video:
  • More geocaching history
  • Exclusive interviews with geocaching pioneers Dave Ulmer, Jeremy Irish, and Jon "Moun10Bike" Stanley
  • Global Positioning System basics
  • Travel Bugs explained
  • Using
Available as a Download!

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Updated 8:00 AM 8/24/2007