MPC 2001

Mid-continent Paleobotanical Colloquium

1-3 June, 2001

Department of Biological Sciences
George Washington University
Washington DC

Come join us in Washington in early June for the annual Mid-continent Paleobotanical Colloquium. We will have the usual schedule of an informal dinner and mixer on Friday evening, followed by talks on Saturday. Saturday evening will consist of dinner and an evening speaker. Several options for local excursions for Sunday are being explored and the next “circular” will provide details on this and other aspects of the meeting.

As in past years the goal is to provide an informal atmosphere that is conducive to a free exchange of ideas. The emphasis is on student papers with contributions by faculty as time permits.

Inexpensive housing will be available through the university dormitories (self-contained rooms). A list of local hotels will also be available.

An early indication of interest would be helpful to know how many dorm rooms to reserve. Please email me ( to express interest or to discuss any concerns.

Primary contact:
Patrick Herendeen, Department of Biological Sciences, George Washington University
Phone: 202-994-5828

Organizing committee: Judy Skog, George Mason University Scott Wing, US National Museum of Natural History Bill DiMichele, US National Museum of Natural History